Day 21 2021 – Sea Cliffs and Climbs
For once we got on the road early. Thanks to my wife Becky, I feel like I know my way around dogs. Trouble is, Bear is smarter than the average bear, or dog. I was able to offer a treat to finally get him inside, But I could tell that getting him in his crate was going to be a challenge, even with the high value treats Katie had left. Just when I feared the worst, in walks Erik. He had forgot his dress shoes after staying with his parents and Henry for the night. In less than 5 seconds, Bear was crated and we were shortly out the door. God works in mysterious ways.
Erik gave us valuable tips on a route out of Monterey. On our way out we passed by the famous Pebble Beach golf course.

By 8 miles through the streets of the towns that make up the larger community, we were heading on CA 1 again. We had nice view of the town as we headed south.

Our future destinations. I couldn’t tell if the population of Carmel Highlands was 30 or if it was a community of porn stars.

We crossed over countless gorgeous overlooks, bridges, and official viewpoints on our journey to Big Sur. Unknown to us, there was an organized charity bike ride that was also going between Monterey and Big Sur. The other riders kept asking us questions whenever we would stop. We got lots of cheers from the support crew as we passed as well. It was pretty cool, even if we didn’t have an official number. They had numbers on their bikes, we had heavy panniers. “One of these things is not like the other.”
Some typical scenes of the ocean views.

This bridge was impressive. So was the climb away from the bridge.

More views headed to Big Sur.

When we reached Big Sur it was crowded with the hundreds of charity bikers. Ron and I got a sandwich from the general store. While we were eating, I felt someone start to massage my shoulder. I turned to find a tall young woman working my shoulder and neck. It felt good to my neck and my ego. She was one of the support workers for the ride and thought Ron and I were part of the group. We confessed our sins and told about our own ride. She was kind enough to give Ron similar treatment.
Since this was the last supply stop until we reached our hotel in Lucia, we went back to grab another sandwich for dinner. You see, the hotel’s restaurant and store had a fire in August and was not operational. When we came back out we once again met our fellow travelers, Sam and Desiree! They were continuing to Riverside eventually, but had also stopped for supplies. In this case, it was a 6 pack of Coors they would kill when they conquered the 800 foot climb that waited for us leaving Big Sur.

It was a tough climb out of Big Sur campground. We conquered more than 450 feet in the first 3 miles. We climbed close to 800 feet in less than 6 miles. More details can be found on the Strava analysis section located here.
We had at least 8 other big climbs before we reached Lucia, 24 miles away. Along the way, there more amazing views of cliffs and ocean. We could really appreciate how tall those cliffs were because we had ridden up most of them.

Before we reached Lucia, we met Sam and Desiree 3 more times.Once was at an overlook. The second was near the Esalen Institute and the third was right outside our hotel. They beat us there, although they were camping further up the road.

We were tired when we checked in. The check in process was go to your assigned room, read the paper that was taped to your door with your name, get the key from under the mat and enter. Definitely the most contactless check in yet. It was rustic. No TV, phone, fridge or microwave. There is a coffee maker and a hair dryer and the WiFi is functional, but slow. We had some beutiful views of the ocean as the sunset changed the scenery further. We will get a good night’s rest.
The Not So Lone Rider
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