Day 27 2021 – Open Coast, Active Beach
It’s getting to where I could cut and paste the first sentence from yesterday and it would still fit today. I’m tempted to start writing tomorrow’s blog now, because I already know how it’s going to start. Here goes: the skies were gray and cloudy and there were clouds hanging over the mountains when we started today . . .

We made our way out of Oxnard and passed by the Naval Staion at Point Mugu just before we got on our day’s journey down CA 1.

The wind was at our backs and the road was relatively flat. Quickly we were at Point Mugu Beach.

A few miles down the road, we had our first major climb. After our earlier experiences, this one didn’t see so bad. There were signs warning those in automobiles of the danger of falling rocks. Luckily, we were on bicycles, so we didn’t have to worry. If you look closely or enlarge the picture on the left, a shiny object is Ron’s tail light.

Earlier we had seen a couple of very sharp looking mustangs pass us in one direction, then pass again going the other way. Just before I got to this climb, I had a pink one do a similar maneuver. When I got over the hill, there were nearly a dozen well cared for mustangs along the roadside. Apparently, they were having some kind of a rally. I took my picture, then moved on. The stench of weed was getting to me.

I was flying down the coastline, but Ron was way ahead of me. The waves were breaking hard against the shore.
At times the waves even splashed over the walls. Such was the case when I stopped to take a picture. I did not get wet, but 2 young women had just got out of their car when a wave came over the top and splashed the hood of their vehicle. They were kind enough to take this shot.

It wasn’t until I turned the other direction, that I noticed the enormous sand dunes on the other side of the road. Several people were up to the challenge of climbing to the top. You have to look closely to see them!

All the signs were indicating that we were getting closer to Malibu.

As we got closer to Malibu, there were other signs that something special was happening besides our visit.

Apparently, today was the second day of a 2 day triathlon event in Malibu. Ron and I benefited from the lane closure associated with the competition. We had a whole lane to ourselves for several miles as long as we could keep ahead of the crew in the truck that was collecting the pilons behind us.

Traffic was getting heavier and more congested along CA 1. We had another climb, sandwiched between the traffic on our left and parked cars along the roadside to our right. After a short climb, we were able to get off onto Malibu road. I found out later we passed by the home of the great silent era comedian, Stan Laurel. I would have stopped if I had known ahead of time. The good news was that we were on smooth pavement, surrounded by expensive homes and cars with beachfront property and no traffic to speak of.

When this luxury ended we thrown back into the chaos of CA 1. We had gone close to 35 miles and thought it was time for a break. That meant some nachos and beer at a roadside bar.

It wasn’t too long until we were at the Santa Monica Beach. It was nice to be away from the traffic of the highway. We were on a dedicated path that meandered on the beach past waves, volleyball, surfers, tightrope walkers, and the attractions at the amusement park pier.

Before we knew it, we were at Venice Beach and almost done for the day. We left the beach, passed through the old boardwalk area and went in search of our hotel a few miles away.

Except for a wrong turn here and there it was an easy ride to our hotel. We finished the day before 3 PM again, due mostly to a fast pace and a timely start. Tomorrow will be a little longer. We will be in a warm showers home tomorrow, so this is our last night in a hotel. The stays have usually added to the adventure. You can see today’s stats here.
The Not So Lone Rider
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