Ride 2019 Day 3
Sometimes I don’t know what I was thinking when I planned the route for this ride. You can see the details for today’s ride here at route statistics. After three days, I’ve travelled almost 240 miles. I’m starting to feel the miles already. The pointless up and downs have made me climb over 9,700 feet in three days. Every day brought more climbing than the previous one. For the third day in a row, I chose to walk some hills. I may have only done it for a 100 feet or so, but I quickly determined that I could walk Hidalgo at 2.5 MPH with less effort that to push mightily on the pedals and still only go 2.5 MPH. The other factor leading me to hop off the bike was that it was more likely for a vehicle to come by behind me at a bad time. When I was climbing switchbacks in AZ, there was no one around. If I had to stop, I wouldn’t get run over. I’m trying to stay safe.

Tonight I will get to sleep in my own bed. My clothes are laundered, I will pack my Dad’s dog tags and the St. Christopher medal from Pete Miller for the rest of the trip. I got to spend time with Becky. On the other hand, I could be riding in rain tomorrow, especially as I get closer to the coast.

Jim and Margie Harris, my warm showers hosts in Poulsbo, sent me off with an incredible breakfast. Although I eventually got a breakfast sandwich and coffee at a Starbucks in Belfair, it was more to get a Wifi connection and time off the bike than to get a true “second breakfast”. By the way, for those of you new to this blog, second breakfast is a reference to the Hobbits’ appetite in the Lord Of The Rings films. You can see the blog https://thelonerider.bike/epilogue-3-frequently-asked-questions/ for further details. Today was overcast and cool. Even though I tried to serenade the skies with a number out of the mental jukebox, the sun never made it out. (Also see the previous blog in freqently asked questions to understand the mental jukebox)

Throughout the day there were many fine views of the Puget Sound. Starting in Poulsbo, through Silverdale, Belfair, Shelton and finally Olympia I could look out to gaze upon the Salish Sea. The hills did take their toll and I found that I had to seek opportunities to get off Hidalgo, rest my legs, and sit on something other than his saddle. At times I was worried my legs might start cramping. Luckily, the mental jukebox kept me going. The recurring theme seemed to be Edwin Starr’s “25 Miles”. You can listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hi0nFlUeN0o When I was leaving Belfair, it was about 25 miles to get to Shelton … “Come on feet, start moving .. got to get me there ..” After my final meal in Shelton, I had a little over 25 miles to Olympia where ” I gotta woman wait for me who’s gonna make this trip worthwhile, …. ” Once you got that Motown beat going in your head, nothing can stop you. ” I got 9 , 8, 7, 6 … I got a five more miles to go
Now over the hill just around the bend
Although my feet are tired I can’t lose my stride
I got to get to my baby again .. ” Yes, the thought of Becky and sounds of Motown got me home today. We’ll see what get’s me to Raymond, WA tomorrow!

The Lone Rider
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