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Ride 2016 Day 8

I had pretty much decided that I was only going to get to Flagstaff today, if I got that far. While it …

Day 8 2016 Route and Stats

May 1, 2016 41.2 miles 4:10 ride time. Ave. 9.8 mph Max 28.5 down 981 ft, up 3486. Started at 4100 ft. …

Ride 2016 Day 7

Both Russ, my warm showers host, and I needed to get an early start. I thanked him for being such a great …

Day 7 2016 Route and Stats

April 30, 2016 62.1 miles 5:30 ride time. Ave. 11.28 mph Max 30.4 down 5276 ft, up 4252. Started at 5100 ft. …