Hilly Hundred 2024 Day 2

On day 2, we at least got started a little earlier. Mike (Big Mig) did a little tune up on the Trek and made sure everyone’s tires were inflated properly. Since it was supposed to be a little warmer today, an earlier start should have helped us.

After taking our picture at the start together, we somehow got separated and had to find Mike, who had gotten ahead of us. At least I didn’t get lost this time.

Much of the today’s course was the same as yesterday’s. However, we would be riding the common sections in the opposite direction today. Therefore yesterday’s downhills would be today’s uphills. Among those uphills would be a 2 mile climb up Bean Blossom road in the Morgan Monroe Forest. The other monster that awaited was Mt. Tabor Road hill. Until last year, it had only defeated me once. I had been forced to brake because someone in front of me had stopped. I chose to unclip and stop rather than tip and fall over. My second defeat came last year when age and the gearing on the Trek made me an unequal competitor. I was hoping this year would be different.

Yesterday, the first rest stop was at about 12 miles. Today we didn’t get a break until over 20 miles. The donuts and cider were just as good. We didn’t have to climb up a hill first thing as we were leaving, either. While Mt. Tabor was my biggest demon, the climb through Morgan Monroe Forest was Mike’s nightmare. About 5 miles beyond the rest stop we made a left turn. Not more than a quarter mile in was the sign: “Up hill climb next 2 miles”. The road was rough, there were big potholes, and several curves. There were also some steep grades where you had to stand on the pedals to maintain a pace a pedestrian could keep. Between the slowed pace and the thick tree cover, my GPS thought I had actually stopped! But I didn’t. Like all previous years, I made it to the top nonstop. Phil was not as fortunate. Mike eventually made it to the top, but he had to put a foot to the ground along the way.

While we were all recovering at the top of the hill, it appeared Philip was ready to throw in the towel. He was leaning over his handlebars. “If I straighten up, I think I’m going to vomit. If you want to to take the SAG, Dad, I’ll join you!” Having traveled 25 miles, the rest of us thought the lunch stop couldn’t be more than a few miles away. Mike and I also knew that the next 2 miles were all downhill, so no one would need to do much pedaling. We convinced Phil to carry on telling him it couldn’t be more than 2 or 3 miles until lunch and rest. Turns out we were right, within a margin of error of 10 miles.

Now we were 34 miles into our second 50 (really 52) mile day. Knowing that the next rest stop would once again be in Stinesville, it was easy to guess that Mt. Tabor would attack us just before we reached town. As we got close to 45 miles, Erik was well ahead of me. Mike and Phil were not far behind me. Having gone down this hill yesterday, it was easy to recognize we were close to the approach. Mike had set me up with lower gearing. I was barely up the hill when I had to downshift all the way to the lowest gear. Halfway up the quarter mile climb I was standing on the pedals going as fast as those who were walking. I was zig-zagging, trying to remain upright. I was within 20 yards from the top when I almost quit. Then I pushed as hard as I could, made the right turn still going uphill doing my Rocky impression yelling at the top of my lungs: “You’re not so bad! Yeah, you’re not so bad!” (I forget if that was Rocky III with Clubber Lang or Rocky IV with the Russian). Mt. Tabor was mine. It couldn’t beat Erik, either. But Mike and Phil were no match for it this year.

We needed the rest in Stinesville, but we didn’t stay long. We knew we had less than another 10 miles and the worst was behind us. Erik was the first to the finish. I was a few minutes behind. We kept waiting for Mike and Philip, only to learn they had gone back to the car and didn’t make the final 200 yards. We made them come back up for the photo.

It was a great 2 days. For me it was a start to a memorable week. Fishing with my brother in law Monday. Lunch with an old friend on the way to Chicago Hts. on Tuesday. Time on a driving range and Tennis with another Bloom Township HS alum on Wednesday. Walking the woods around my brothers house. Sharing meals and catching up with some of my oldest childhood buddies and classmates ahead of the reunion. Then the 50th High School reunion on Saturday night. Hard to be the Lone Rider when you spend so much time around so many people!

The Not So Lone Rider

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