Hilly Hundred 2024 – One more “one more time”

In 2023, my brother Mike suggested we do the Hilly Hundred Bike ride in Bloomington, IN “One more time”. He got his 2 sons – Erik and Philip to join us and we had a memorable experience. When we were done, Mike and Philip went back to S. Chicago Hts. and Erik went back to Dallas. Becky and I hung around Bloomington so I could go fishing with her brother David. Together, we caught enough bluegill and some crappie to have fish fry with home made Ice cream. This year, after the ride was done, we took home 37 Bluegill and 25 Crappie to clean for a fish fry sometime in the future.

While I was fishing in the North Cascades of Washington in June, Mike called me to let me know that he learned that my High School in Chicago Hts. was going to have a 50th reunion in October. I had attended the 10, 20, and 30 year reunions that had been held by the Bloom Township High School Class of 1974. We did not have a 40th reunion. After making some calls to old classmates and gauging the likelihood that some of my closest friends might show, I made plans to go back for the October 12 reunion. To make it really worth the trip back east, I talked Mike into doing the Hilly Hundred again the weekend before – October 5 and 6. Even Erik and Philip decided to join us again, so it was going to be a great ride. Mike even modified the Trek I borrowed from him last year to give me a lower gear to attack Mt. Tabor with better firepower!

Friday, the night before the ride, I flew in to Indianapolis and Mike met me at our hotel in Bloomington. We went to the packet pick up in Ellettsville and got all 4 of our numbers and meal badges. Philip had gone down to Dallas to visit Erik. Together, they drove up from there and met us at the Hoosier Bar and Grill in Bloomington. Last year, when Becky was with me we ate at the “Family Restaurant” half of their establishment. This year the four of us walked into the Family side, saw a few Senior citizens working on pizza in a quiet set of booths. A waitress at the back told us we could sit anywhere. I asked “Can you get a beer on this side?” She said yes, but it was easier on the other side. We went to the other side.

Both halves of the bun are under there somewhere.

There we found a more crowded and lively atmosphere. We couldn’t hear each other as well, but that didn’t stop us from quoting many parts of our favorite films – including “Breaking Away”. Keeping with a Hoosier tradition (even though I am an Illini) I got the Big-As-Your-Head tenderloin sandwich. We had a good time having the Karaoke contestants entertain us and joined the chorus for “Sweet Caroline”. It was a good start to great weekend.

Once again, The Not So Lone Rider

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