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Day 12 2016 Route and Stats

May 5, 2016 66.86 miles 6:31 ride time. Ave. 10.26 mph Max 32.10 down 1260 ft, up 3130, net climb 1870 ft. …

Ride 2016 Day 12

Try as I may, I still had trouble getting on the road before 8AM. I was a little apprehensive about today’s route. While …

Day 11 2016 Route and stats

May 4, 2016 69.56 miles 5:25 ride time. Ave. 12.84 mph Max 31.14 down 3904 ft, up 2585. Started at 4826 ft. …

Ride 2016 Day 11

I had spent the previous evening with my Warm Showers host, Nellie and her family.  The quilts I slept under led me …