Back In The Saddle Again

The next ride, from Canada to Mexico will start in just under 2 weeks. I have been doing regular training rides of 20 to 30 miles. These rides are more to toughen my butt than to strengthen my legs. Today I rode close to 25 miles with 20 pounds of weight in the panniers. I believe the panniers typically weighed between 22-24 pounds during the last ride. Unloaded, Hidalgo weighs about 20 pounds +/- 3 pounds for accessories like water bottles, lights, saddle pack, etc. When I’ve got the panniers, it is like carrying another Hidalgo on the rear wheel.

Time for new tires

Based on recommendations from Tom/Deb Gardner, the tires for this trip will be Schwalbe Marathons. Previously, I have used Gatorskins and Armadillos. Don’t ask me what the official hierarchy is for tire toughness and longevity! I plan on rotating the front and rear tires around the time I get to San Francisco. When I do, I will remember to check the orientation of the tire to make sure that they are rotating in the direction recommended by the manufacturer. When I put on the new set of Marathon tires, I put on the rear tire going in the wrong direction. Of course that was the hardest one to fix and it took me a good half hour to fix my mistake.

Do it right the first time or do it twice!

I’ve got some new equipment for this ride. There will be a real headlight that is not just a “be seen”, but a “be able to see” light. The other major change is a Garmin GPS replacing the Sigma bike computer which had lots of reliability issues.

The new view from the rider’s seat

I’m looking forward to starting the new ride and getting back in the saddle again. I just hope I don’t get saddle sore. It’s all part of the adventure! With that I’ll turn you over to Gene Autry.

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